Now that you have made the decision to research drug treatment centers, let us relieve additional stress and confusion at this point.
Coastside Mental Health - Half Moon Bay, CA.
Coastside Mental Health
is a Drug Rehabilitation Center located at 255 South Cabrillo Highway Half Moon Bay, CA. 94019 and can be contacted by calling 650-573-6369.
- Treatment Services Offered:
- Mental Health Treatment Services, Outpatient Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Gay and Lesbian, Seniors, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
- Payment Options:
- Medicaid Payment Assistance, Medicare Assistance
Questions? Need Help?
Call now to speak with an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the best rehab program that fits your personal situation.
Residential • Detox • Inpatient • Outpatient • Short Term • Long Term • Low cost • Insurance • Executive • Private
(866) 491-8228
Treatment Centers by City
Select a City:
- Los Angeles
- San Diego
- San Jose
- San Francisco
- Sacramento
- Fresno
- Long Beach
- Bakersfield
- Oakland
- Santa Ana
- Riverside
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- Ontario
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- Corona
- North Hollywood
- Pomona
- Pasadena
- Irvine
- Moreno Valley
- Lancaster
- Inglewood
- Orange
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- Palmdale
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- Sunnyvale
- Compton
- Rancho Cucamonga
- Fullerton
- San Mateo
- Concord
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- Visalia
- Santa Maria
- Daly City
- Costa Mesa
- Berkeley
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- Vista
- West Covina
- Bell Gardens
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- Redding
- Burbank
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- San Leandro
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- Chico
- Hemet
- Rialto
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- El Monte
- Santa Cruz
- Mission Viejo
- Antioch
- Napa
- Westminster
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- Santa Monica
- Citrus Heights
- Walnut Creek
- Gardena
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- Sylmar
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- Madera
- Fairfield
- Baldwin Park
- Covina
- Livermore
- Thousand Oaks
- Chino
- Victorville
- Temecula
- Mountain View
- Bellflower
- Canoga Park
- Tustin
- Alameda
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- Tracy
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- San Rafael
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- Pico Rivera
- Perris
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- National City
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- Rosemead
- San Gabriel
- Arcadia
- Apple Valley
- South San Francisco
- San Marcos
- Lake Forest
- Indio
- San Luis Obispo
- Carmichael
- Newport Beach
- Northridge
- Lompoc
- Azusa
- North Hills
- Manteca
- Tulare
- San Pablo
- Paramount
- Castro Valley
- Fountain Valley
- Murrieta
- Cupertino
- Woodland
- Wilmington
- Hanford
- Colton
- Cerritos
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- Glendora
- Rancho Cordova
- Gilroy
- Granada Hills
- Laguna Hills
- Placentia
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- Cypress
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- Encinitas
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- San Carlos
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- Banning
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- Agoura Hills
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- Norco
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- Anderson
- Los Alamitos
- Yucca Valley
- West Hollywood
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- Susanville
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- Half Moon Bay
- Beaumont
- Nevada City
- Thermal
- Santa Fe Springs
- Fillmore
- Truckee
- Pacific Grove
- Lamont
- Hawaiian Gardens
- Scotts Valley
- King City
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- Corning
- Orland
- Clearlake
- Willits
- Bishop
- Grover Beach
- Livingston
- Rancho Mirage
- Fortuna
- Greenbrae
- Sausalito
- Loomis
- Grand Terrace
- Crestline
- Mariposa
- Delhi
- Lake Arrowhead
- Yreka
- St. Helena
- Willows
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- Oakhurst
- Mammoth Lakes
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- Acton
- Colusa
- Capistrano Beach
- Calistoga
- Quincy
- Redwood Valley
- Villa Park
- Santa Ynez
- San Martin
- Needles
- Topanga
- Big Bear Lake
- Running Springs
- Lucerne Valley
- Alturas
- French Camp
- Guerneville
- Mojave
- Kings Beach
- Sutter Creek
- Burney
- Diamond Springs
- Angels Camp
- Glen Ellen
- Tuolumne
- San Andreas
- Weaverville
- Clearlake Oaks
- Winterhaven
- Angwin
- Campo
- Hoopa
- Lucerne
- Lake Hughes
- Lower Lake
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- Hayfork
- Garberville
- Covelo
- Loyalton
- Herald
- Boulevard
- Forest Knolls
- Markleeville
- Mather
- Downieville
- Coloma
- Laguna Woods
- Signal Hill