Now that you have made the decision to research drug treatment centers, let us relieve additional stress and confusion at this point.
MJB Transitional Recovery - Los Angeles, CA.
MJB Transitional Recovery
is a Drug Rehabilitation Center located at 11152 South Main Street Los Angeles, CA. 90061 and can be contacted by calling 323-777-2491.
- Treatment Services Offered:
- Drug Addiction Treatment, Transitional Housing and Living, Outpatient Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, HIV - AIDS Clients, Gay and Lesbian, Seniors, Women, Men, Spanish Speaking
- Payment Options:
- Self-Pay
Questions? Need Help?
Call now to speak with an addiction treatment specialist who can help you find the best rehab program that fits your personal situation.
Residential • Detox • Inpatient • Outpatient • Short Term • Long Term • Low cost • Insurance • Executive • Private
(866) 491-8228
Treatment Centers by City
Select a City:
- Los Angeles
- San Diego
- San Jose
- San Francisco
- Sacramento
- Fresno
- Long Beach
- Bakersfield
- Oakland
- Santa Ana
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- Corona
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- Moreno Valley
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- Inglewood
- Orange
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- Thousand Oaks
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- San Luis Obispo
- Carmichael
- Newport Beach
- Northridge
- Lompoc
- Azusa
- North Hills
- Manteca
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- Paramount
- Castro Valley
- Fountain Valley
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- Beaumont
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- Thermal
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- Lamont
- Hawaiian Gardens
- Scotts Valley
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- Corning
- Orland
- Clearlake
- Willits
- Bishop
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- Livingston
- Rancho Mirage
- Fortuna
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- Loomis
- Grand Terrace
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- Delhi
- Lake Arrowhead
- Yreka
- St. Helena
- Willows
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- Santa Ynez
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- Needles
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- Big Bear Lake
- Running Springs
- Lucerne Valley
- Alturas
- French Camp
- Guerneville
- Mojave
- Kings Beach
- Sutter Creek
- Burney
- Diamond Springs
- Angels Camp
- Glen Ellen
- Tuolumne
- San Andreas
- Weaverville
- Clearlake Oaks
- Winterhaven
- Angwin
- Campo
- Hoopa
- Lucerne
- Lake Hughes
- Lower Lake
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- Hayfork
- Garberville
- Covelo
- Loyalton
- Herald
- Boulevard
- Forest Knolls
- Markleeville
- Mather
- Downieville
- Coloma
- Laguna Woods
- Signal Hill